Environmental Impact

Traditional wooden pallets come with significant environmental costs—deforestation, carbon emissions from complex supply chains, and substantial waste when damaged pallets enter landfills.

FibroCorp’s pulp molding technology fundamentally transforms this equation, offering a sustainable alternative that preserves forests, reduces emissions, and integrates seamlessly with existing recycling systems.

The Environmental Crisis in Traditional Pallets:

– 488 million trees cut annually for pallet production worldwide

– Multiple transportation stages generating substantial carbon emissions

– Chemical treatments required for international shipping compliance

– Complex and inefficient recycling networks

– Millions of tons of landfill waste from damaged pallets

In the United States alone, 21.8% of annual timber growth is harvested specifically for pallet production and repair, creating an unsustainable environmental burden.

Our Sustainable Alternative:

FibroCorp’s pulp molding technology delivers comprehensive environmental benefits:

– Zero trees harvested—uses only waste paper as raw material

– Pollution-free manufacturing process

– Localized production reducing transportation emissions

– No chemical treatments required

– Uses existing waste paper recycling channels instead of specialized recovery networks


Each ton of waste paper used saves:

– 2.5 tons of wood

– 1.4 tons of oil

– 25 tons of water

– 4,000 kilowatts of electricity

Global Environmental Impact:

At 70% market penetration, our pulp pallets will deliver extraordinary environmental savings:

– 488 million trees preserved annually

– 250 million tons of carbon emissions prevented yearly

– 165 million tons of landfill volume reduced

– Billions of gallons of water conserved in manufacturing

These figures represent one of the most significant potential contributions to global sustainability from a single technological innovation in the logistics sector.